So: March goals. And this time I'm going to publish them, and report back in April. And see how I've gone.
- Remember to breathe - 'breathe' is my word for the year. I think I might design a little "Remember to breathe" card or two for Project Life.
- Implement two or more ideas from "Beyond Busyness"
- Post on WGC.
- Read books by queer Australian women (and review at least one). For more on this, see the post on my book blog.
- Chapters 3-6 to Ruth
A lot of my goals at the moment are future-fixed: "once we've moved I will..." keep the kitchen organised; make meal plans; make bento lunches; etc. There's this annoying state of uncertainty while we wait for the date on which we will be settling the house purchase. Until then, it just this awkward state of interruption.