Remus Lupin early in the 2011 season |
When we were planning the back garden I wanted a small part to be a flower garden, because I love flowers. For the OH, gardening is a brand new experience, and while she can understand growing things to eat, she doesn't get growing flowers yet. And my small flower garden has had to cede ground to the edibles as we've become more confident and have wanted to grow more (lettuces are in the middle of the flower garden this year), but I've also added edible flowers (yay, nastursiums!)
One of the flowers the OH has taken a great deal of interest in, however, have been the lupins. She's a
Harry Potter fan, I'm a semi-fan. I've read all the books, seen all the movies, and love certain elements, but still don't consider myself a full-on fan. And yet, the three lupin plants we planted last year were quickly dubbed Remus, Tonks and Teddy.
Sadly, Tonks didn't survive the summer (or the final novel - sigh). She simply never flourished. Remus has grown the best of the three, and Teddy did well but never flowered, and has had to be saved from weeds a few times. At the moment, Teddy is under attack from a ground cover I planted called "White Surprise" (I can't find the scientific name right now (recording such things is part of the reason for this blog) that we've nicknamed the Coloniser because it's taking over so darn well. I don't want to let him be overtaken, not when Remus is doing so well (two flowers blooming at the moment).
We planted another three lupins last week, and we haven't yet named them. Suggestions so far have been that one ought to be Sirius, the "honorary" Lupin; the werewolves from True Blood (which OH watches but I don't), names from Melissa de la Cruz's new Werewolf series... I've just realised that if we call one Sirius, another should be Bill, which leaves one Lupin and/or werewolf to be named, although I suppose we could go with Fleur, who married Bill...