Monday, 3 December 2012

Decoration of the Day - Day 3

The New Chez Stutters Christmas Tree
In H's family tradition, the tree didn't go up until the last day of school, very close to Christmas Eve.  In S's tradition, it goes up on the 1st of December, whether it's Advent or not (S being the atheist, liturgical seasons are understandably not a big part of her year.)  As a couple, Chez Stutters are still developing their traditions, but in this case, H isn't about to argue with having a tree up for longer, given that she *loves* Christmas, and lights, and all that.

This is a new tree, purchased at a fabulous discount in last year's post-Christmas sales.  In the last month or so, S has been getting worried that the tree was too big.  H's parents have a similar tree, a size or so bigger, and if it had been the same size as theirs, it would have dwarfed the rest of the room.  But as it happened, it's really just the perfect size.  We still needed the step-ladder for the lights and the butterfly tree-topper, but it's not touching the roof, so all is good.

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