One definite element of that is the current state of the garden. Which is not great. And since we had such fun posting photos of our lush, green garden for you to see, I feel bad now that the garden is no longer lush or green.
We've been having some very hot weather - starting back in December, right around the time of M's graduation and a visit from her parents. A time when we were very busy, and watering the garden wasn't exactly at the top of our to-do list. Oops.
Minty and Coloniser (with random flower in foreground) in happier (and younger) days. |
Our zuchinni plants are producing at a great rate - possibly too great a rate - and there are lots of cherry tomatoes around the place. Other than that, though, it's a very non-productive garden right now.
My plan is to wait until mid-late March (either Labour Day or Easter weekends, depending on the weather) to cover pretty much the whole garden with compost from our bin, then newspaper and zuchinni leaves (a hint from the One Magic Square book), water it well for three weeks, and then start on the winter planting, hopefully with some vaugely recovered and partly healthy soil involved. I think it's going to be a complete restart on everything from Minty and Coloniser onwards - if Minty makes it through summer.
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