Tuesday, 18 November 2014

#30lists December 2014

So, #30lists December is a go.

I'd already decided to incorporate a #30 lists into my December Daily, and spent some time via Pinterest chasing down last year's prompts (and somewhere/somehow came up with a prompt for Dec 31, because for reasons, there's not actually a prompt per day in this project except for when it's run in September.)

I did #30lists September this year, and really enjoyed it.  But I didn't manage to blog any of it instead of my bases: see here.  I shared a bunch on my instagram (@chez_stutters), but in general the time difference to the USA was somewhat painful in terms of blogging: plus I got behind and did a bunch on the weekends.

But I loved having something right there every day - even though I changed a few of the prompts as I went.  If you read my post about my bases, I mentioned that I was pleased that I didn't pre-title the prompts for each day.  This is why - because I would get to the prompt and realise that it just didn't work for me.

For December, though, I'm still tempted to put in the prompts ahead of time: I want it to be as easy as possible to complete DD.  Well, that's the plan at least. But you'll see in the next couple days that I'm really not succeeding in that... But the other thing with putting in the prompts ahead of time is that if I'm going to share my foundation pages/bases - which I want to do - I'll need to do that before I put the prompts in; or else only share my title cards.

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