For Christmas last year, M. got me Tracey Lords "A Square a Day", and she's been very keen on the idea of me making a crochet sampler.
This past week was incredibly stressful. Just for starters, the ceiling fell in on my workplace - and I'm not speaking metaphorically. And after that, other stuff happened.
In what I can only see as a subconscious attempt at stress relief, I started picking a pattern and working on it in an attempt to complete at least one 15 in crochet square per day.
It works out not too badly in part because there is just so much Masterchef on TV at the moment (five days a week), and I can get a fair bit done during an episode as long as the pattern isn't too difficult.
Since Wednesday, therefore, I've made nine blocks, all of them from scraps in my stash. Today I went out to Spotlight and bought a number of new 100g balls of yarn in the basic colours that I've started off using, so that I can keep going when I run out of stash.
Finally, I've also set up a little "station" in my craftroom for yarn (in the top basket) and my completed squares in the bottom basket. (The ball in the bottom left corner is pinker than it looks in this photo.)
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