For reasons related to post shared by friends on FB, I re-joined up to 'Household Management 101' on FB. (The frequency of posts and the way it takes over my feed is reminding me why I left the first time.) and they had at 'declutter the top of your dresser' challenge. The top of my dresser is a mess (still is: I haven't really got to the challenge itself yet, apart from returning an overdue magazine to the library,) and with the layout of the new house, the dresser top has become the spot where I put my keys when I get home. I was already wanting some sort of vessel in which to corral my keys. The GF and I have seen some beautiful bowls - made from telephone wire - at a local shop but they were well out of our price range.
On Sunday, in search of yarn for a new baby blanket for a friend who will move away well before she has the baby, we discoverd the Lincraft mid year sale, which was 30% off everything. Full rolls of cording we're marked at $5, and turned out to be around the $3 Mark with the discount. And that reminded me of Kellie Winnell's rope baskets from February this year. (Have I mentioned that Kellie is a favourite blogger of mine, and lives just two hours down the road from me! No, we haven't met in person.)
So I bought the cording with a sort of 'someday' intention. Someday I would make one of those baskets.
Then, on the Monday of the long weekend, I got itchy fingers. You know that feeling, if you're a crafter. You just have to DO something. I was having a quiet day while the GF kept on writing reports. I'd washed dishes, run some laundry, written long lists of all the other domestic chores that I really needed to get done, but I wanted to craft. And I thought about that dresser top, and the cording in my Lincraft bag, and soon I was looking up a non-video tutorial just to confirm my thoughts on technique, and away I went.
I used a tutorial from The Red Thread Blog and worked on the basket for a good part of the afternoon, for an hour in the evening while the GF was watching Game of Thrones, and then again while I was attending a work meeting via Skype on Tuesday morning. (Anyone who's seen me at a church meeting knows I concentrate way better when my hands are busy. Luckily I can do the same thing in remote meetings for work: it's much harder to do in face to face work meetings unfortunately. Just imagine how much crochet I could get done then!)
Witness the final result - at the point of finishing, and then later, in situ on my dresser, with keys.
It's perfect! I have mine sitting on my desk and it's almost for my keys, glasses and phone! Best of all you can be so proud you made it all yourself! Well done.