Saturday, 28 June 2014

Holbrook's Yellow Submarine

For months at my workplace we've been a collection point for pieces of yellow knitting and crochet. The were all bound for Holbrook, a town about 40 minutes north on the Hume freeway.

For reasons not actually understood by pretty much anyone, Holbrook, a town hundreds of km from the nearest ocean, is named after a submarine captain, and has a giant decommissioned submarine sitting in one of its parks.

In celebration of a number of things (World Wide Knit in Public Day, International Yarnbombing Day, Holbrook Sheep and Wool Festival, and the 40th? 50th? Anniversary of the Beatles first arriving in Australia), someone in Holbrook or MurrayArts or something decided to yarn bomb the submarine.  Yellow, of course, given the Beatles connection.

I provided two small pieces of crochet:

Lots (and lots) of other people provided lots more pieces, to come up with this:

I even think I found one of my pieces :-)

More of the photos taken by me, and by my GF, are on the Chez Stutters Facebook Page.  For more fabulous pictures of how the whole project came together, visit the Holbrook Yellow Submarine page.

1 comment:

  1. What a groovy project to be involved in. It is great to read about local (i.e. Aussie) yarnbombing projects. Love your pictures and links.
