Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Mid-month goals review (June)

It's far too easy for me to post about my goals and then forget about them until the end of the month.  So part of my process is a mid-month "how I'm going" review.

See my June goals post here.

Goal 1 - the closet purge.  Still hasn't happened.

Goal 2 - project life catch up.  Photos have been printed up to the Queen's Birthday weekend, and are all sorted by week and mostly placed in layouts.  The most recently completely finished layout is still back in April, and I don't know that I'll get entirely caught up until I have my week off work in July, but progress is being made.  I've also come up with a couple of ideas for keeping organised while running behind.

Goal 3 - set up my household file.  I've thought about it a lot, does that count?  Again, progress, but not there yet.

Goal 4 - blog about Project Life.  I've certainly kickstarted my blogging again (something I've been wanting to do since the beginning of the year) but I haven't yet got the PL blogging up and running.  I think I may make July the month of PL around here :-)

Goal 5 - the tea towel stole.  I know where it is.  In the current state of the craft room, this is an achievement.  Again, unlikely to finish it this month, but major priority for July.  It's also the top of my list for my UFO challenge (which you'll be reading about in a day or two's time.)

Goal 6 - 40% on my Goodreads challenge.  I'm at 29%, with three books at 60% finished or above.  It's not out of the realms of possibility yet.

How are you going on your goals for June?

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