Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Currently Creative - July 30

It's time for another linkup from Kellie Winnell's blog!

The main thing I've been working on this week has been a Kobo cover for M.  I'm using the same yarn and same basic pattern as for the one I made for myself last year, but with a larger hook and the original ribbed cuff from the pattern instead of the flap I did for mine. The ribbing is a challenge, and I had to rip it out once completely, but although it's not perfect this time, I'm okay-ish with it. I still plan to do some glasses cases for a couple of friends for Christmas presents this year.

In poppy-making news, I tried my own pattern with bobbles!


  1. I love your poppies and love that you tried your own thing and it looks perfect! So funny we are working on the same thing, in different ways. Can't wait to see the end result. Thank you for linking up this week.

  2. It looks really great. Great job not giving up!
