Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Week 26 at Chez Stutters

Part of my motivation for posting about our week just gone is so that when I get behind with Project Life, I have a way to remind myself what went on.  I've just finished catching up on a number of weeks of PL, and would have loved to have something like this to look back on easily.

It was the last week of the school term, and reports were pretty much done (hooray!).  In house news, we finally got the heater fixed (although that's still worth a post all on its own (OMG saga!)), for half a day thought that fixing the heater had killed the hot water, and generally wanted - yet again - to do violence to the previous owners of the house.

I lost my voice almost entirely, and ended up either working at home or being on sick leave for the majority of the week.  I spent a lot of time in the craft room, but cleaning up for the immenent kitties turned the room messy again, so it's not entirely done yet.  I finished off the Kobo case and a Cat Mat for the new arrivals.

On Saturday we went out to see the yarn-bombed Yellow Submarine, and after that collected our darling delightful kitties, Bard and Bishop-Biondello.

On Sunday I went to church and got elected to the Joint Nominating Committee for finding a new Minister.  We cooked Risotto in the rice cooker and decided we really must make better use of the Risotto function than we do right now.  The kitties settled in gradually...

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