Saturday, 3 May 2014

Less and More - EDiM Day 3

Today's topic is Less/More, which is something I've been thinking about a lot during this move. I have so much stuff, and do I really need all of it?  Will I ever get around to reading all those books I 'rescued', when Borders and Book Affair and other stores were closing down? Is there any point to keeping things bought on sale for a craft project 'one day' when I've now changed my plans to some entirely different crafts? Do I need any more candle holders ever? (Answer: no, and get behind me, Dusk Australasia!)

Yesterday we finally finished the move and handed back the keys. Chez Sutters Mk 1 is no more, but Chez Stutters 2 is now overflowing with stuff (seriously, in my head it's always in italics). One of my goals, listed in my first post for Blog Every Day in May, was to complete a full closet purge, which I'll be doing as I unpack.  I hope I'll also being doing some other massive declutters as we unpack - we have one whole box of books to get rid of already (don't ask out of how many total. I gave up counting).

I think I'm summing this all up by saying LESS stuff - MORE mindfulness. Live simply, that all may simply live. (It's a goal: I'll probably never get there. The consumerism is strong in this one (ie, me), no matter how hard I fight it. 

[Posting now, but hopefully I'll find a photo during the day to add.]

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