Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The closest I'll ever get to Alabama - BEDiM Day 6

Today's prompt is "a favourite photo of you".

Blaming the move as I currently always do, the majority of my photos are on an external hard drive that is currently ... somewhere.  All I have on my computer are the photos from the current year, plus a few from some specific projects that I've been working on PLing.  From one of which comes my favourite photo:

This is me in Geneva, Switzerland outside the room in the Hotel de Ville where the Alabama Claims were heard.  This was one of the first cases of International Law, so there's a plaque noting the place.  Many years ago I was the editor of an International Law journal, and so I was fascinated to see the place where the Claims were heard, and later that day the sets of silver given as "gifts" to the judges by the two claimant nations (the USA and the UK).  I've always thought this was a particularly nice photo of me - I like the way my hair looks :-)


  1. Lovely photo and it's great that it reminds you of such a fab trip!x

  2. I love that photos bring back memories of great trips!! :D Great photo and your hair is lovely.. I've always wanted wavy or curly hair!! :D
