Saturday 31 May 2014

It's a cliffhanger... BEDiM Day 31

The best tv shows end their seasons with a cliffhanger. And so it is with Blog Every Day in May.

My readers have followed the saga of the washing machine, but now we have the saga of the dishwasher. 

Wednesday afternoon, when I got home from work eager to finish off reading Michael Dobbs' "First Lady", I found the lights working but the power points not working. After some investigation, I discovered that it was the dishwasher that had caused the circuit breaker to blow. 

We've decided not to pursue the task of fixing the dishwasher until after the un-laws' visit this weekend, and until then, we're back to good old manual dish washing.  I just did some this evening, and I'm missing the dishwasher already...

Like I said, it's a cliffhanger. Tune in next month for the continuing adventures of Chez Stutters. 

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