Thursday, 1 May 2014

Every day in May: Day 1, goals

Via one of my new favourite bloggers, Kellie Winnell, comes the "Blog every day in May" challenge from Sunday of Love Happy Daily (I love discovering more Australian bloggers.  I'm getting less and less tolerant of the North American orientation of just about everything - Easter isn't in Spring all over the world, people!)

It probably seems weird to pick up a crazy project like blogging every day for 31 days when I've not been able to blog three times a month so far this year.  But hey, when have I not done crazy projects?  And there are so many things that I want to be blogging about.  Project Life, our new house, the way that we're developing routines in our fabulous new house.

So, this morning, before I go and get into a full day of final cleaning of the old house, I'm giving myself the length of time of episode 2 of the Jim Henson Creature Shop Challenge (I love this show!) to post the blog for this morning's prompt - goals.

My May goals are

  • post every day in May
  • get my craft room set up
  • catch up on Project Life (the move has meant I've done little to none in April, simply because there's been no time at all to get photos printed)
  • get our herb garden planted
  • track my spending in preparation for a budgeting effort in June.
And I honestly think that's enough!

Edit: Actually, I forgot a couple. 
* complete a full closet purge
* read the Metaxas 'Bonhoffer' in time for book club, and chase down some progressive/liberal reviews. 


  1. Great goals! I've joined in with this challenge too as I often neglect my blog! Looking forward to keeping up with you during the challenge! Some of ours are the same as me...trying to budget this month too!!x

  2. Have just found your blog (through Ravelry) and am also pleased to discover more Aussie bloggers. According to your archive, your blog started around the same time as my first blog (late 2012). I too, live in Australia, enjoy gardening (with a garden full of herbs), music and crochet. I also love your beautiful perpetual calendar. I haven't seen one of these since I was about 8 years old and have been looking out for an attractive one ever since! Good luck with your blog challenges - I am going to try Knitting & Crochet Blog week (info via and I have posted about it also) for the 2nd year in a row, but the way 2014 is going with a hectic schedule, "challenge" will be an understatement! Good luck with everything and I look forward to reading more of your blog. Cheers! :-)
