Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Some thoughts on a common organising tip... BEDiM Day 14

A lot of organising blogs and books talk about how all your problems are solved if you just get up an hour earlier.

And my question is; do none of these people have partners?

Do their partners not want/demand/like snuggles in the morning?  Do these people not enjoy spending early morning time in bed with their loved one?  Or do all their partners leave for work at 6am?

Before I was with the GF, I got up early - as a child I practiced the piano in the early mornings (not entirely willingly, but I did a lot of getting up early).  I went running in the 6am darkness when I was training for cross country ski races; I went walking with with my mother at 6am during holdiays from university - and got up early to do homework or reading during Uni terms.

But it takes a lot more these days to get me up.  Without getting too personal, I have to assume that these people who blithely suggest "just get up early" don't have the arm of a warm, sleepy partner draped across them, saying "five more minutes".  Don't have a wonderful warm partner to snuggle into instead of getting up in that cold morning chill.

Thing is, we're doing better at the moment.  One of the things we decided we wanted to do better was having breakfast before work.  We've been doing that, consistently, the last two weeks.  But there's none of that getting up an hour early that the books and blogs suggest, and I don't know that we'll ever get there - unless and until we have small children jumping on our heads.


  1. I love this! I have a small child and I still find it impossible to get up an hour early.

  2. Having five more minutes snuggling is the best feeling in the world!x
